EDGAR CHAHINE (1874 - 1947)
We are pleased and proud to introduce one of our latest acquisitions - a rare and unique edition of "Death of Venice" by Morris Bares, with Edgar Shahin illustrations.
The original name - BARRÈS, Maurice (1862-1923). La Mort de Venise. Illustré de vingt-six eaux-fortes originales gravées par Edgar Chahine. Paris: Éditions d'art Devambez, 1926.
This masterpiece was published in Paris in 1926, with only 230 numbered copies, 30 of which are not for sale.
It includes 26 double engravings by Edgar Shahin and has a leather cover.
Visit the Museum of Armenian Graphics to see this rare and unique book.
Visit Edgar Shahin's section on Varbo Art website to learn more about this great Armenian artist.